Each month, I share a free newsletter about money with 904 other Millennial parents. We talk about how to turn your money into memories with your family. 

Hi, I'm Kevin.

Hi, I'm Kevin. I write a free newsletter about money for 904 other Millennial parents. We talk about how to turn your money into memories.

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Second Home or Starter Home: What Should Millennials Buy First?

Financially Well

Money Frameworks for Millennials

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Financially Well

A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

You might love to save more money. But you also can work 6-12 more months before you retire, the equivalent of saving 1% more over 30 years.

A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

Preparations for our future retirement feel like a leap into the unknown. But we actually have data that can increase the odds of success.

A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

You’re probably not making the most of your health savings account (HSA). Most likely, no one taught you that your approach is too narrow.