Once a month, I share with 904 other Millennials a brief newsletter highlighting the best tips about money I've read.

Hi, I'm Kevin.

Once a month, I share with 904 other Millennials a brief newsletter highlighting the best tips about money I've read.

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Financially Well by

Personal finance should feel simpler, less daunting, and more accessible when you need to make decisions for your family. My writing here offers frameworks for how you can move closer to this rewarding reality. 

Hi, I'm Kevin! I write about frameworks that Millennials can use to think differently about personal finance. I would love for you to feel confident about how you spend and save your money.

Why is this important to me?

 In my work as a financial advisor in Washington, DC, Millennials like you regularly ask for more practical, empathetic info about investing. I designed Financially Well to address this need.

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A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

How to Win the Investing Game

When you invest in index funds, you’re not here for entertainment. You’re just playing to win the game through the smartest route possible.

December 12, 2024


Frameworks For Thinking About Money

Financially Well by

A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

The Risk of Sunlight & Tax Breaks

Tax-advantaged accounts offer clear benefits. But you may need to lock up that money until you’re much older. Is that risk worth it?

October 1, 2024


A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

Turning Stillness Into Better Investment Decisions

With less doing and more thinking, we can set ourselves up for better, more consistent financial decisions in the future.

August 30, 2024


A Millennial couple holds hands while standing next to a pair of baby shoes

Access (to a Mega Backdoor Roth) Matters

Compelling options to save for retirement, including the mega backdoor Roth exist. But only if you have access.

July 31, 2024



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